Forest Lawn Funeral Home & Memorial Park


Funeral Homes & CemetariesCemeteriesFuneral Homes & Cemetaries

About Us

At Forest Lawn Memorial Park and Funeral Home - We Treasure Family. When we serve you, your family becomes our family. For over 90 years, we have dedicated our services to celebrate the lives of Southeast Texans with our compassionate and peaceful approach. We understand grief can be overwhelming. That’s why we cater exclusively to you and your loved ones needs. Either with pre-arrangements to ease that burden for loved ones in the future or saying goodbye to a loved one now – our caring staff is dedicated to continuing to a legacy.

This community has been wonderful to us – in return - we are involved in charitable organizations. We honor our veterans, reservists and active military: we invite all to attend and take part in our yearly Memorial Day celebrations.
We're proud to be a member of the Dignity Memorial® network of funeral, cremation and cemetery service providers. Dignity Memorial providers offer exclusive benefits, including National Transferability of Prearranged Services, Child/Grandchild coverage, the Bereavement Travel Program, bereavement and preplanning luncheons held every month as well as the 24-Hour Compassion Helpline®

Rep/Contact Info

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Ms. Lori Allen
Mr. Danny Blanchard